Posted: April 26, 2024


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The Angry Elite Black Woman, the Democratic Party, and the Black Thug

To Op/Ed in PDF Format 

By Ms. Arelya J. Mitchell, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

The Mid-South Tribune

The Democratic Party is now the face of the Black Thug and the Angry Elite Black Woman. Their mission is to deceive Blacks back into segregation under the ‘innocent’ guise of DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) which is a reincarnation of Jim Crow which was a reincarnation of black slavery. In the 21st Century this codification of segregation continues to be the exclusive tool of the Democratic Party to re-legalize and reintroduce segregation into the United States of America via Under the Color of the Law.  DEI mandates are quickly being set in place just as Black Codes were interwoven into the legal fabric to produce an American apartheid which lasted all the way to 1964. Here we go again. However, this time re-segregation is being aided and abetted by Blacks themselves to accommodate, yet, again the Democratic Party, which has advocated slavery in some form or another practically since its inception. After all, this was the party which fought to keep slavery, lest we forget.  As America’s oldest political party, it has nearly always managed to go back to its roots of perpetually creating an oppressed underclass to rule, now in sync with CRT (Critical Race Theory) which pushes oppression with the same passion and commitment that Hitler pushed Nazism, and segregationists pushed white supremacy. This Party now embraces socialism. I have written numerous times that by default socialism is segregation because it creates and depends on a Have and Have Not socio-economic paradigm.

                Just as it violated the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, the Democratic Party now violates the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Again, being vigorously led, aided, and abetted by Blacks themselves into the 21st Century, but specifically and almost exclusively by Black female elites embodied by what I call the Angry Elite Black Woman (AEBW) as epitomized by New York Attorney General Letitia James and Atlanta’s Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Yes, there is already a designation for the Angry Black Woman which is ABW, but the AEBW is worse and is a more destructive bitch who has no problem in letting you know she is better, smarter, and has Black Woman Privilege to lord over every other Black female not in her class, and over every Black male who must be emasculated and castrated to make her feel superior and like a pseudo-Nubian queen.

 The Black Thug has become the AEBW’s boy toy to advance her own ambition as she climbs the ranks inside the womb of the 21st Century Democratic Party of renewed Jim Crowism birthed through DEI and CRT. The AEBW has let herself be used to destroy the Black male and the Black child and yes, even other Black women who define themselves as mothers, wives, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, and most importantly as ‘women’ – not birthing persons which the Democratic Party has officially designated Black women and all women.  The AEBW knows well how to Willie Lynch her way to the top and on top.

 Letitia James and Fani Willis like other AEBWs were elected by mainly Black constituents to protect those communities from the Black Thug; yet, these AEBWs in the persons of judges, district attorneys, other officers of the court, and urban mayors protect the Black Thug at the expense of law-abiding Black men and women and the citizenry-at-large. The Democratic Party’s misuse and abuse of the judicial system with lawfare must end. To reiterate, this is the same Democratic Party that used The Law to break The Rule of Law without repercussions. It is the same Democratic judiciary which let off Klansmen, murderers, and thieves while it jailed civil rights workers, freedom riders, and civil rights leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther, King, Jr., Medgar Evers, and Fannie Lou Hamer in the 1960s.  Back then it had the same corrupt judges on benches as it does now from Atlanta to New York City.

I doubt if any Black female activist back then ever dreamed that the Black Woman would become the face of the Democratic Party to reincarnate segregation under the guise of socialism, Marxism, CRT, and DEI. Even Sojourner Truth would have a hard time getting an answer from her famous speech, “Ain’t I A Woman, Too?” Unlike Black slave women who fought to keep their family intact which included husbands and sons (males), the AEBW destroys the Black race in America with the excuse that she is a “BLACK WOMAN” and deserves some type of privilege because somehow she has been victimized more than any other woman in the history of ‘mankind’ when in fact, there is no exclusivity when it comes to victimization of being female. Besides, in the 21st Century, the ABEW has seldom been victimized; yet, she rages like a mad woman or bobbles her head like Fani until it whirls like the girl in “The Exorcist” as she screeches, “A man is not a plan!” Or screams like Letty that Trump deserves whatever punishment she decides to inflict on him because he is “too male and too pale.” Yet, Letty’s feelings got hurt when firemen yelled, “Trump, Trump, Trump!” to retaliate against a speech she was giving. However, if her house had caught fire and she needed rescuing, one of those “too male, too pale” firemen would not have hesitated to save her Black Woman butt.

The ABEW is so anti-male that she has so conveniently forgotten or will not acknowledge that any society which ‘castrates’ its males is destined for extinction. She forgets that it is the male who is on the front line in war times and is usually the first victim in war times as he fights to protect women and children.  Women and children are the most vulnerable in war times. Like it or not. And the way things presently look, we may very well be on the edge of World War III, and mostly men will be fighting it. Like it or not.

                Just as cream rises to the top, so does trash. The AEBW is the black trash which has risen to high positions not to help Black Americans but to hamstring it and let loose Black thugs, Black smash and grabbers, criminals, and murderers all in the name of cashless bail and defund the police all to empower ‘Massa’ George Soros and the Democratic Party both of whom need its Black elite mammies to milk socialism.

The Democratic Party has made it clear that the Black Male serves no other purpose than to be degraded, expendable, and to be replaced by the Angry Elite Black Woman to do its bidding to redistribute property and wealth to put America on the path to solid socialism to make the Democratic Party the sole political party. Letitia James has put in place her prototype to confiscate and redistribute land and wealth under the auspices of the Democratic Party not just to damage Donald Trump but anybody anywhere who opposes The Party.  Corrupt judges and Democratic operatives embrace James’ prototype which gives her and them the power to steal at will President Trump’s property Under the Color of the Law all to prevent him from becoming president again. Dems applauded James’ prototype to steal anybody’s property for any reason at any time for redistribution with the same lawlessness found in Third World Nations and most notably in socialist/communist/Marxist nations. In those nations, stolen property is redistributed to The Party’s elite members and their favorite flunkies. (The question remains: Who wants Trump’s properties?) Stealing land and wealth is the lynchpin of how Black-owned property was stolen and redistributed during segregation, especially if that property was owned by Black males. One has to only ask John W. Boyd, Jr., president of the National Black Farmers’ Association (NBFA), about his decades-long fight to save black-owned farm land. Joe Biden had promised Boyd that he would help the Black farmers then reneged on it; thus, why Boyd says he will not endorse Joe Biden this time around. 

                Letitia James, Fani Willis, and those Black women in their ilk are Black elite trash. They are symptomatic of a growing rot of black elitism and pseudo intellectualism which has no problem making the Black community the black fertilizer to plant the seeds of socialism and the black tar to pave the road to socialism. What is happening in Chicago as Black Democrat elite officeholders replace everyday Black citizens with illegal immigrants by giving those illegals millions of dollars is indicative that this rot of Black elitism is designed to keep the black masses as the Democratic Party’s black support animals. This black elite rot is mainly the Angry Elite Black Woman who no longer gives a damn about Black citizens and especially the Black Child whom they are dummying down in Democratic-approved CRT pedagogy which teaches that the Black Child will always be oppressed by the White Child. As I was working on this, I listened to everyday hard-working Chicago Black women lambast a city council with a socialist elite Democratic Black male mayor presiding—but I digress and there will be more on this later.

                The Black American community no longer is about “say it loud, I’m Black and proud” or “young, gifted and black.” It now has a culture of dependency, victimhood, and rage fueled by a Black Woman elitism which can no longer define a female as a woman, as feminine, as a wife, a mother, or even as a human being. It is this black female elitism which moves on hating men and loving the Democratic Party. And that is just plain sick, demented, and WOKE-depraved.